A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

Ngày: 11-09-2014

In which the book’s central idea is set forth: namely, if morality repre- sents how people would like the world to work, then economics shows how it actually does work.

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Tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập:

  1. David Frey - Business - Six Deadly Small Business Marketing Secrets

    pdf 53 trang | Xem: 9854 | Download: 0

    A profitable market consists of people who have dire wants that are being unmet, so much so that they will jump to buy your solution (product or service). A profitable market can be compared to a lake with thousands of starving fish. All you need to do is throw in the bate and it turns into a feeding frenzy.

  2. Donald Trump - Fortune Without Fear Real Estate Riches

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    When you acquire buildings without a partner, a corporation, or any other business entity behind you, you are functioning as a sole proprietor. You are in the driver’s seat, making the decisions, taking the profits, but also incurring the risks.

  3. Cooking- Jamie Oliver - The Naked Chef 2 Cook Book

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    What a pukka combination, simple and classy. Don’t try to make this when you feel like it, make it when you can find perfect pears and watercress, otherwise it will taste naff.

  4. A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

    pdf 257 trang | Xem: 3789 | Download: 0

    In which the book’s central idea is set forth: namely, if morality repre- sents how people would like the world to work, then economics shows how it actually does work.

  5. Finance Investment - The Global Money Markets

    pdf 338 trang | Xem: 3716 | Download: 0

    The money market is traditionally defined as the market for financial assets that have original maturities of one year or less. In essence, it is the market for short-term debt instruments. Financial assets traded in this market include such instruments as U.S. Treasury bills, commercial paper, some medium-term notes, bankers acceptances, federal agency discount paper, most certificates of deposit, repurchase agreements, floating-rate agreements, and federal funds. The scope of the money market has expanded in recent years to include securitized products such mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities with short average lives. These securities, along with the derivative contracts associated with them, are the subject of this book.

  6. Finance Investment - Trump Strategies for Real Estate

    pdf 253 trang | Xem: 3722 | Download: 0

    In 1955, one of my clients asked me to draft a commercial lease for him even though he was to be the tenant. Usually, the landlord’s at- torney drafts the lease, but in this case the landlord told my client to have his lawyer prepare the lease. So I drew up the lease and inserted a provision stating that the tenant didn’t have to pay any rent before the landlord made a certain elevator operational. My client moved in and, as it turned out, the elevator inspector for New York City re- fused to accept the elevator repairs the landlord made, insisting that only a brand new elevator would get his approval. The elevator stayed out of operation for a very long time, but throughout that period my client was still able to carry out his normal business operations.